Primary Blog/Industrial Storm Shelters: A Critical Investment in Workplace Safety

Industrial Storm Shelters: A Critical Investment in Workplace Safety

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Severe weather events, such as tornadoes, can threaten the safety of industrial sector employees. Having access to an industrial storm shelter is not just a necessity, but a vital investment that businesses must prioritize to keep their employees and assets protected. Robustly constructed shelters, such as Red Dog Shelters, provide a safe refuge during storms and emergencies, mitigating the potential risks of injury and death to employees and the destruction of other assets.

Why Industrial Storm Shelters Are Vital Investments for Companies:

1. Employee Safety and Well-being: commercial tornado shelters provide a safe haven for employees when severe weather conditions hit, shielding them from potential harm and providing assurance of safety for both workers and management.

2. Compliance with Safety Regulations: Leasing a commercial tornado shelter ensures compliance with all applicable safety regulations established by organizations such as OSHA, FEMA, and API. The design and construction of these shelters meets or exceeds the standards set by these regulatory organizations, guaranteeing a safe environment for occupants taking refuge.

3. Risk Mitigation and Business Continuity: These reliable industrial storm shelters enable companies to effectively mitigate the risk of injuries and property damage. In turn, this ensures the continuity of businesses even when they are subjected to natural disasters, including tornadoes.

The Ideal Industrial Storm Shelter

When it comes to commercial tornado shelters, Red Dog Shelters are the ideal option for businesses that want the highest level of protection for their workforce. They feature military-grade construction, protection against wind speeds up to 350 mph, and adherence to regulations issued by FEMA, API, OSHA, NSSA, and ICC500. As such, the Red Dog Shelter is your premier solution for employee safety and asset protection in industrial environments.

Various industry leaders, including Chevron, Shell, and BP trust Red Dog Shelters to provide the reliable security they need for their people and business possessions. We offer onsite delivery of the Red Dog Shelter within 24 to 48 hours, making the process of securing an industrial storm shelter for your site a quick and efficient one.

Order an Industrial Red Dog Shelter Today!

For more information about how the Red Dog Shelter can ensure the safety of your industrial workforce or to lease one of our commercial tornado shelters that ensure the security of your employees during any severe weather event or other emergency situation, give our team a call today at 806.370.3711.

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All shelter designs are protected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office under US Patent No's:

#8,136,303, #8,375,642, #8,245,450, #8,534,001, #D685921 and other Patents Allowed and Pending.

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Each Red Dog Shelter is individually stamped and certified by Red Dog Shelters via 3rd party analysis and as authorized by the appropriate Authorities Having Jurisdiction to meet or exceed every major US recognized safety standard for EF-5 tornadoes including the International Code Council (ICC500-2008 American National Standard). The ICC / NSSA STANDARD FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SHELTERS, the National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA) Standard, the Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency 320 and 361 Guidelines, and the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 7-2005 "Minimum Design Loads for Building and Other Structures." Red Dog also certifies all shelters are compliant with the FEMA's Publication "Taking Shelter from the Storm" FEMA P-320, Third Edition/August 2008.

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